Book: Arabic for Advanced Learners B2, C1, C2 (Texts, Exercises, Listening Comprehension, Exams)
Price: 44,99 €
Author: Mohammad Khalil
ISBN: 978-3-9819556-3-7Preamble: This textbook is particularly suitable for those who want to deepen their knowledge of Arabic language. After you have worked through all the lessons, you will be able to understand current information from the media in the Arabic language, to discuss it in Arabic or to ask in-depth questions and to express thereupon your own point of view.
The range of topics is wide. On the one hand, it’s about problems like coronavirus and strikes, on the other - older conflicts that have been on our minds for decades, such as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Since these problems will continue to affect our lives, this book is a help also for the next generations, from a linguistic point of view. The book is published in Arabic and English languages. English serves only as a support for the lower language levels. The focus is not on a direct translation of Arabic into English, but on a context-dependent reproduction that should help learners to understand better the vocabulary and the tasks (also in listening comprehension and exams). The book is divided into lessons, exams and listening exercises. At the beginning of each lesson, its content is listed so that you not only know what to expect, but you can also choose which topic/tasks you want to work with. Each lesson includes a text (the text has not been adapted, only shortened; even the errors in the original text have not been corrected), a vocabulary list, exercises on the text and grammar exercises. Text-based exercises are about reading comprehension (“right/wrong”), answering questions on the respective text, image description or image comment. In the section "Grammar Exercises" you will find exercises on all topics that cover the levels B2-C2. Translation tasks German-English/ English-German are intended to give you an impression of the profession of translator/interpreter and, if necessary, prepare you for working with Arabic-speaking colleagues and customers. Listening exercises refer to the listening texts that you can play on the website of Orient Academy. The transcriptions of the audio texts can be found at the end of the book. The exam examples serve as a preparation for the following exams: Arabic Language Test in the German Foreign Service selection process, Arabic SLP Test (NATO Test), Test Arabic as a Foreign Language at the Orient Academy. I wish you every success in learning the Arabic language! Table of contents
فَهْرَسُ المَوْضُوعات Elections في الإنتِخابات النتائج النهائية المؤقتة لانتخابات البوندستاغ الألماني 2017 Asylum في اللجوء خطوات تقديم طلب اللجوء في ألماني Wars ans conflicts في الحروب والصراعات الحرب السورية: من يقاتل من؟ ولماذا؟ تدريبات نَحْوِيّة Asylum في اللجوء اتفاقية عام 1951 الخاصة بوضع اللاجئين تدريبات على النص Exam 1 إمتحان 1 Forms of government في أنظمة الحكم أنظمة الحكم في دول العالم The Arab Spring في الربيع العربي ثورات الربيع العربي...المارد خرج من القمقم Coup في الانقلابات معهد ألماني مقرب من السلطة: لا تعطوا السيسي شرعية بعد قمعه وفشله Negotiation في المفاوضات مفاوضات طالبان وواشنطن.. ما الذي حرك المياه الراكدة؟ Exam 2 إمتحان 2 Human rigths في حقوق الإنسان حقوق الإنسان Strike في الإضراب الأردن.. المحكمة الإدارية تقرر وقف إضراب المعلمين Wars and conflicts في الحروب والصراعات ترمب: هجوم الناقلتين يحمل بصمات إيران .. ولا إغلاق لمضيق هرمز Wars and conflicts في الحروب والصراعات الصراع العربي الاسرائيلي Right-wing radicalism في التطرف زعماء اليمين المتطرف الغربيون.. رموز الكراهية الصاعدة Human righzs في حقوق الانسان المرأة وحقوق الإنسان Crises في الأزمات الحكومة الألمانية تقر حزمة إنقاذ غير مسبوقة لمواجهة تبعات كورونا Exam 3 إمتحان 3 Transcription of the listening texts نسخ النصوص السماعية Publisher.: Orient Academy. Year 2021
Pages: 184